What If Teenagers Believed In Love?
Fight The New Drug
In Brief
In eight years, Fight The New Drug's authentic blend on-point branding, human empowerment, and love has captivated a global audience of teenagers and adults alike. But how do you keep them captivated? We were asked to help FTND reimagine the way they communicated with their vast audience in order to help them keep folks engaged and coming back for more.

Sharing the Love.
We used FTND's biggest campaign of the year to take a comprehensive approach to email marketing, social media, and ad management.

#NoPornovember saw a 3x increase in revenue generated during the campaign.

Weld complimented our strengths and helped us build around our weaknesses. They felt like part of the team.
"Weld complimented our strengths and helped us build around our weaknesses. They felt like part of the team. "
-Clay Olsen, Founder and CEO